Install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu
First we need to make sure that the system which we are using is up to date , so for that run the command below
We'll be installing some software that needs to be built so we'll need to get packages required for compiling. With Ubuntu, you can type this single command and get everything you need:
If you hadn't previously installed MySQL you'll be asked to set a root password. You don't have to, of course (it will bug you no fewer than 3 times if you opt not to) but I strongly recommend it. You'll need this password when you populate your rails config/database.yml file so be sure not to forget it.
Rails Installation
Specific Version installation of Rails
You do not need to add sudo if you are using RVM.
Mysql Gem Installation
sudo apt-get update
We'll be installing some software that needs to be built so we'll need to get packages required for compiling. With Ubuntu, you can type this single command and get everything you need:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Once you've got the tools, it's time to install MySQL and Ruby
sudo apt-get install ruby ri rdoc mysql-server libmysql-ruby ruby1.8-dev irb1.8 libmysql-ruby1.8 libreadline-ruby1.8 libruby1.8 mysql-client-5.1 mysql-common mysql-server-5.1 rdoc1.8 ri1.8 ruby1.8 irb libopenssl-ruby libopenssl-ruby1.8 mysql-server-core-5.1 libmysqlclient16 libreadline5 psmisc
If you hadn't previously installed MySQL you'll be asked to set a root password. You don't have to, of course (it will bug you no fewer than 3 times if you opt not to) but I strongly recommend it. You'll need this password when you populate your rails config/database.yml file so be sure not to forget it.
wget tar xvzf rubygems-1.3.5.tgz cd rubygems-1.3.5 sudo ruby setup.rb
On the command line, type gem -v. if you get this message we need to make some symlinks:
The program 'gem' can be found in the following packages: * rubygems1.8 * rubygems1.9 Try: sudo apt-get install -bash: gem: command not found
Let's create those symlinks now:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/local/bin/gem sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ruby1.8 /usr/local/bin/ruby sudo ln -s /usr/bin/rdoc1.8 /usr/local/bin/rdoc sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ri1.8 /usr/local/bin/ri sudo ln -s /usr/bin/irb1.8 /usr/local/bin/irb
Other Libraries installation
sudo apt-get install libc6 libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libpcrecpp0 libssl0.9.8 libssl-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev lsb-base
Rails Installation
sudo gem install rails
Specific Version installation of Rails
sudo gem install rails -v=2.3.11
You do not need to add sudo if you are using RVM.
Mysql Gem Installation
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev sudo gem install mysql --no-rdoc --no-ri
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