Create New Rails Application with MongoDB
Create a New Rails Application with MongoDB
# Use sudo if your setup requires it
gem install rails
Create New Rails Application by skipping the Active Record
rails new awesome_app --skip-active-record
This is the gem file and the list of the required gems for MongoDB
require 'rubygems' require 'mongo' source :rubygems gem 'mongo_mapper' gem 'rails', '3.0.3' gem 'devise', '1.1.3' gem 'devise-mongo_mapper', :git => 'git://' group :test, :development do [whatever testing gems you want in here] end
Then Run bundle install to install all the gems mentioned in the gem file.
$ bundle install
There's two initializer files we'll need. We add the one for mongo, which I put in config/initializers/mongo.rb:
# config/initializers/mongodb.rb include MongoMapper db_config = YAML::load(, "/config/mongodb.yml"))) if db_config[Rails.env] && db_config[Rails.env]['adapter'] == 'mongodb' mongo = db_config[Rails.env] MongoMapper.connection =['host'] || 'localhost', mongo['port'] || 27017, :logger => Rails.logger) MongoMapper.database = mongo['database'] if mongo['username'] && mongo['password'] MongoMapper.database.authenticate(mongo['username'], mongo['password']) end end
This is the Structure of the Mongodb.yml file.
# config/mongodb.yml
base: &base
adapter: mongodb
database: coolapp
#These are needed to authenticate with your db
#should it run on another server
username: your-username
password: your-password
<<: *base
<<: *base
database: coolapp-test
<<: *base
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