ServiceNow Interview Questions

  • What is sys_id?
  • Which protocal is used for create, update and delete incident through emails?
  • How do you reference a Request Item's variable pool from any table?
  • In a client script when should the call back option be used in 'getreference'
  • How are workflows captured in update sets?
  • How to flush out the servicenow instance chache?
  • What are the few 'best practice' client side technologies that can speed up form speed without affecting performance?
  • If you add a short description field to the task table? Does it also get added to child tables of the task table?
  • When Using "g_form.getReference()" what is best practice?
  • What would improve the performance of loading forms within ServiceNow?
  • Can you call a business rule with the help of a client script?
  • How Can You Cancel A Form Submission Through Client Script?
  • What happens when a user make some changes to the homepage ?
  • How you can remove Remember me check box from login page?
  • What is setWorkflow(e) function does?
  • What the setForceUpdate() function does?
  • Can you update a record without updating its system fields(like sys_updated_by, sys_updated_on)?
  • What happens if a Default update set is marked as complete?
  • Which method is used to get all the active/inactive records from a table?
  • In addition to "Current" and "Previous" what is a server side global object available?
  • What is the best practice to map roles to user?
  • What are things which are not captured in an update set?
  • Consider a SLA of 2 days with schedule of 9-5 weekdays (excluding holidays). And SLA starts at Thursday noon and when is expected expire?
  • How do you make a field unique?
  • When using a "before" business rule what should you avoid using that can impact form performance?
  • Which table is used for view History on incident, problem and change requests?
  • More questions will be added to this list. 
  • Types of business rules and Client script?                                                    
  • How can we know which version you are using?
  • Difference between Synchronous, asynchronous Glide ajax?
  • What is the use of display business rule?
  • How to define fields of incident table from business rules?
  • Tell me Business Rule predefined Parameters?
  • Difference between after business rule and asynchronous business rule?
  • Difference between catalog items and order guide?
  • Which one will execute first Client Script or UI policies?
  • Give any practical example of Workflow you have implemented in your organization?
  • How many ways we can trigger the notifications?
  • What is the Syntax to call to email notifications in business rules?
  • How to get current date and time in client script?
  • How to hide a field by using client script?
  • How many types of ACL's and What are the roles required to Create ACL?
  • Tell me about Glide record and glide secure API’s?
  • What is the use of the inherit checkbox in service catalog?
  • What are the multiple ways to keep data unique in import set other than coalesce?
  • What are the types of transfer map scripts, what is foreign insert?
  • What are the types of rest method and soap method?
  • What is SLA retroactive start and Where you can define SLA?
  • Set an SLA which should exclude 2nd & 4th Saturday & Sunday & the public holidays as well.
  • What is Update Set, what all activities are recorded in update set and " Are user creation & group creation recorded in Update set "?
  • List down the activities which are recorded in update set
  • What is the database view?
  • What will happen when we check on global check box in client script?
  • How can we enable the role?
  • Tell me onChange () client script predefined parameters?
  • Is it possible to move the non-staging table data into target table?
  • How to pass the dynamic values in Rest Web Service?
  • In integration how to move 100 incident records from third party to service now.
  • How to attach files like PDF and all in email notifications?
  • How to add CC or BCC in email notification
  • What is setWorkflow(true) and setWorkflow(false)?
  • What is client-side API and server-side API in Service now?
  • What is the record producer and how can we start the script in record producer?
  • What is the use of record producers and where and how to write code for the same?
  • Where you are using alerts?
  • What is the data dictionary?
  • What is coalesce explain with example?
  • What is a View and how we can create it?
  • What is Dictionary override?
  • Agile methodology you used while in service now development?
  • How the work or task assigned to you daily?
  • How the day start with?


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